Customer Intelligence made in Switzerland

Make your life easier with an end-to-end solution that will allow every team to collect data – anywhere, anytime – and develop deep, real-time analytics that can be used to innovate your business processes.

Quality and security is what we do every day!

Four steps to actionable insights
From feedback to business improvements, connect all the data you have to create analytics and forecasts that will guide your strategic evolution.
Listen & Integrate

Collect all your data in one tool. Get a complete view of customer and employees feedback: surveys, social media, blog chats, contact center calls, emails, interviews, and reviews.

Analyse & Predict

Identify useful insights and make them accessible to everyone in the company by enabling your teams to use predictive and prescriptive analytics.

Implement & Improve

Manage all data to gain insights and implement a response system, an inner close the loop strategy, and systemic changes.

people centricity
Measure & Succeed

Use the power of sandsiv+ to consistently measure your results. You can get a complete view of your business position by linking business results to a deep analysis of collected feedback.


The human experience

One solution fits all

sandsiv+ embraces both the voices of customers and employees, aligning every project around what truly matters – the Human Experience.

sandsiv+ for large enterprises

sandsiv+ for VoC

Whether you’re a fast-growing innovator or a global organization, we offer Voice of Customer programs tailored to your needs.
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sandsiv+ for medium enterprises

sandsiv+ for VoE

Our platform adjusts to your initial needs and scales as your project evolves, offering comprehensive Voice of Employee programs.
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Ben Dickie, Research Director
Info-Tech Research Group
SANDSIV has done an impressive job at providing deep customer insights via its text analytics capabilities, which can analyze customer feedback at scale from a variety of endpoints – surveys, social, and reviews, to name a few. Their placement as the top vendor in our VoC category speaks to the incredibly positive reviews they’ve garnered from customers not just on their product, but also on an outstanding service experience and excellent pace of innovation.
Tailored to your needs

Agility at your service

Adapt sandsiv+ to your specific needs with a modular system that can be integrated with any type of third-party application and will work across the spectrum of customer views.
Data made simple

Driven by innovation

Gain faster, more actionable insights with the support of Deep Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing that will provide your team with more understandable reports and data visualizations.
sandsiv+ has got your back

Rock-solid security

Experience financial stability with unlimited usage and users, enabling you to fully embrace CX without worrying about exceeding limits.

A comprehensive experience platform


Getting started is easy

sandsiv+ was created to be self-service! Through a comprehensive training and onboarding program, all of your professionals will easily be able to manage and customize all of the features.

Shape experiences at scale

Don’t worry about future evolutions or growth: sandsiv+ will adapt to new functions thanks to a module-based architecture and will grow as fast as the number of your customers.

Built for business people

The sandiv+ platform is as comprehensive as it is easy to use. All your professionals will quickly learn how to use it without losing any valuable features.

Be unlimited

sandsiv+ gives you an infinite number of surveys, dashboards, data and users – unlimited use to shape the future of your business.

Intelligence hub

All data will be available together, in a centralized tool that will provide you with insights to accelerate your desired business results.
Plans & Pricing

Low cost of ownership

Don’t worry about maintenance or upgrades – we’ll keep prices as low as possible to allow you to change and adapt to your customers’ future needs.
Internationally recognised
Voice of the Customer software sandsiv+
Voice of the Customer software sandsiv+
Voice of the Customer software sandsiv+
Voice of the Customer software sandsiv+
Start growing with sandsiv+ today