
Customer experience management (CXM) offers a perfect opportunity to increase brand loyalty and improve financial performance through digital transformation. But digital transformation is more than just a new app or a revamped website. It speaks fundamentally to the ways your customers interact with your brand assets.

According to McKinsey 84% of digital transformation projects fail. One of the major causes of these failures, according to Gartner, is the lack of metrics that give a clear signal of the health of these initiatives to CEOs.

How are the turmoil surrounding the issues of digitization and digital transformation managed in actual practice? In particular, how does your company measure the enormous efforts and investments associated with digital transformation?

This paper describes a model for measuring the extent of digital transformation along the customer journey, and the success of that transformation over time.

What you’ll get inside this white paper:
  • How to scope digitization projects for maximum results
  • How to confirm those results using KPIs that highlight your successes and reveal your weaknesses
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