
Unlocking actionable insights from customer feedback can be time-consuming and complex, often requiring significant manual effort and expertise to analyze diverse data types.


Insight Narrator is the analytics engine powered by AI that helps businesses effortlessly translate complex feedback into actionable insights, enhancing decision-making and driving improvements in both customer and employee experiences.

Value points

Clear Interpretation: Transforms complex charts and numbers into simple, actionable insights.

Faster Analysis: Processes unstructured data quickly, saving time on report preparation.

Detailed Insights: Preserves crucial details from unstructured data that traditional tools might miss.

Custom Context: Uses a “Query Context” field to refine insights based on specific criteria and languages.

Accessible Analysis Interpretation: Accessible Analysis Interpretation: Includes summaries, frequency, topic detection, sentiment, co-occurrence, correlation, pros and cons, and SWOT analysis.
AI Insight Narrator



Available as a premium feature in the MINE Analytics Module.

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Integrable with other VOC and VOE tools.

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Available free of charge for SANDSIV partners.

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