I thought it was about time that I let you know how far we have come here at the North Pole, with our Customer Experience Management (CXM) strategy, following the very useful advice you gave us last year at around this time.

Now, let me open this update by telling you that Rudolph, who if you remember, was appointed Chief Customer Officer by myself at this time last year, tells me that we are quite definitely somewhere within stage 3 of Customer Experience Management maturity.

As you no doubt remember, I am rather confused by this whole CXM thing, so much of the update I am bringing you is based on the situation as Rudolph defines it. It would have been far simpler to have him write this update himself. However, he has real problems using a keyboard with his hooves and such.

First, let me tell you that we have (I am assured) begun capturing the Voice of the Customer, and not only have we begun capturing VoC data, but we are also actually using it in a very positive way. Rudolph spent a very long time explaining something called sentiment analysis to me, and how the thought that by using the fundamentals of sentiment analysis such as data mining and text classification using Natural Language Processing (NLP), we could automate the entire process of judging whether children had been naughty or nice, and therefore whether they deserved presents.

What we have begun to do is run all of the letters and other communications we receive from children, many of which explain what they have been doing all year, to justify their entitlement to a present for being nice. We use text classification to decide whether the child has been naughty or nice so that we know whether to deliver a Christmas present. We have also taken things a little further, we are able to classify children by sex, their location, and the type of Christmas present they would prefer. This has been a major benefit and vastly lowered our operating overheads.

As a result of this, many of the Elves who are the backbone of our workforce here at the North Pole, have actually had vacation time for the first time in hundreds of years! This has had a major snowball effect (actually, almost everything has a snowball effect here at the North Pole, although not in quite the same fashion), and has resulted in our Elves fully embracing this new customer-centric work ethic. They have seen the benefits, and now truly believe in CXM.

So overall, we have had a very positive year, and I can clearly see how our CXM strategy is changing the way we work in a positive way. We will continue to expand on our VoC-related projects in the coming year, and update you close to next Christmas.

All the best, 

Santa Claus

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